Indeed Darby Crash is most def. a pretty boy. Even at 11 months old, he is extremely handsome.
He’s a fantastic dog. We’ve had him since July, and everyday with him has been wonderful. He fits in with the family perfectly, he keeps D-Square and Dretti moving and active. He gives Q someone to push around. He runs like a wild boy, outrunning both D and Drett. He’s won both of his majors in conformation. He has 7 points towards his 15 point requirement for his AKC Championship. He is such an easy dog to show. He is just beautiful, so easy to look at, everything seems to fall into balance with him effortlessly. We need a little more handling, ring time, etc (the two of us as a team), but man oh man, not even a year old yet.
10 months at Del Valle
10 months
And a complete character, with a sense of humor.
Is he a little big? Yeah, bigger than I’m used to, but so well put together, and boy can he move. He’s liquid smooth, so smooth and effortless. You should see him run the hills. Very fleet of foot, even for a big clumsy puppy. I can't wait until he get's that shaz figured out, I may very well have a DC on my hands (ha ha ha, get it? Dual Champion? Darby Crash??? ha ha, I crack myself up) Well, Darby thought it was funny.
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